

【Microsoft Flight Simulator】機体アドオンのサスペンション設定を変更する方法

あまり情報が出てこなかったので、 Microsoft Flight Simulator の機体アドオンのサスペンション(?)設定を変更する方法の備忘録を残す。


各アドオンの SimObjects/AirPlanes/<対象の機体>/flight_model.cfg を編集する。


;0 Type of contact point - 1 = wheel, 2 = scrape point, 3 = skid, 4 = float, 5 = water rudder, 16 = ski, 17 = propeller
;1 Longitudinal position z relative to Datum Reference Point, in ft.
;2 Lateral position x relative to Datum Reference Point, in ft.
;3 Vertical position y relative to Datum Reference Point, in ft.
;4 Impact damage threshold crash velocity, in ft per minute.
;5 The brake type the wheel contact uses. - 1 = brake on left gear, 2 = brake on right gear, 3 = brake on both gears
;6 The wheel radius (including tire), in ft.
;7 Wheel max steering angle, in degrees, between -90 and 90.
;8 The static compression coefficient constant (which is used to compute spring reaction when on the ground), in ft. If the contact point is rigid, then set this to 0.
;9 The maximum static compression ratio.
;10 The damping ratio constant (used to compute ground reaction damping). A value between 0.0 (un-damped) and 1.0 (critically damped)
;11 Extension time, in seconds. This is the time required to fully extend wheels/water rudder/skis/floats.
;12 Retraction time, in seconds. This is the time required to fully retract wheels/water rudder/skis/floats.
;13 Identifies the type of sound that is going to be played for the contact point. 0 = Center Gear, 1 = Auxiliary Gear, 2 = Left Gear, 3 = Right Gear, 4 = Fuselage Scrape, 5 = Left Wing Scrape, 6 = Right Wing Scrape, 7 = Aux1 Scrape, 8 = Aux2 Scrape, 9 = Tail Scrape
;14 The airspeed limit for gears retraction, in kias.
;15 Airspeed above which gear is damaged, in kias.
;16 The exponential constant for springs
;         0       1    2      3      4   5        6    7          8      9   10 11   12 13   14 15 16
point.0 = 1,  27.44,   0, -9.55,   800,  0,    1.25,  95,  0.960516, 1.613, 0.6, 8, 7.5, 0, 485, 0, 5
point.1 = 1, -14.03, -14, -9.83,  1200,  1,  1.9167,   0,     1.121, 1.177, 0.3, 9, 8.5, 2, 485, 0, 5
point.2 = 1, -14.03,  14, -9.83,  1200,  2,  1.9167,   0,     1.121, 1.177, 0.3, 9, 8.5, 3, 485, 0, 5

各数値の役割は、コメントアウトに記載されている通り。 (A32NXflight_model.cfg から抜粋)

8~12 をいい感じに変更すると、挙動が変わる模様。

試しに PMDGB737 の設定をデフォルトの A320 に入れたところ動きが柔らかくなったような気がする。(ちゃんと検証してないので気がするだけかも)